Just turned 33, like 5 hours ago, and figure, a blog is to get stuff out of your head. I should get back to this. Not what it use to be. New state. Same husband, but a New beginning. Wish me luck.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

acupuncturists know all?

Ok, so maybe they don't know all. But no matter how much doctors have disappointed me in the past, every time I get a new one I feel like they know all. They could tell me to jump off of a bridge to get pregnant or to get better, whatever the case may be, and I would do it. I shouldn't have so much faith, it only results in heartache, but for some reason...I've got a lotta damn faith in this guy. Plus, he said the coolest thing ever yesterday. He said, well, let me tell the story.

I went in for my appointment yesterday and I wasn't sure if I could have a session because I was already in the 2WW. So, as soon as we went back I explained. The second I was done or even a second before that he grabbed my wrist and took my pulse, then my other wrist. He said "Hmmm, that's a very interesting pulse." -needless to say, I am not qouting line for line or word for word because I'm not good like that, nor do I have a memory like that.
I'm thinkin' what the heck does that mean? Then I remembered in my book, she talked about being able to tell a woman was pregnant by her pulse, way before even she would know. So, I'm thinking and I'm hoping and I just want him to say it. But, he just calmly says "You have a slippery, rapid pulse. There is a high possibility that you are pregnant." I think I had the biggest grin ever, but I was trying to be calm. I mean he did say "high possibility" but then again he did say "high possiblity".

So, now I'm freaking out even more...aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! I want to test soo bad! But, I know nothing is going to show up. Then I'm just going to be so upset or just be skeptical. I don't know what to do, I don't know how to feel. I'm just so, nervous I guess. Ladies, here's my chart, let me know what you think. I love and need your advice. I don't think it looks like much and if you don't either, feel free to say so. Oh, and I will most definately be taking tests with me. I have to admit though, I didn't go the internet route this month, so, they will just be Answer Early's. So, I might have to wait it out. Oh what the hell did I do to myself?! SHITE! Answer's are good, I should worry not. I will try to post while I'm away, no guarantees though.

E, I will call you if it's good news!
love to all-