Just turned 33, like 5 hours ago, and figure, a blog is to get stuff out of your head. I should get back to this. Not what it use to be. New state. Same husband, but a New beginning. Wish me luck.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

another weekend is upon us

I don't know if I should be happy or freaked out. I have plans for the next three weekends. All forced on me by other people. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. We have three weddings to go, all in a row. Hubby's cousin is getting married in Rhode Island this weekend, next weekend our friends here, are getting married and the weekend after that is my brother's wedding out in cali! I'm excited for all three, I just wish that they were a little spread out. I guess it's good to get them over with, but holy mastacholi!

So much for weekends plans and actual vacations. Yeah, I love going back to Cali, but we have been there two times in the past two years. And, we are basically going for the wedding and then heading back. I hate traveling across the country like that (for just a couple of days), but I have to save some of my vacation days for the big vaca we have planned up to New Hampshire. I would love to stay in sunny San Diego longer, hang out on the beach, check out the Over the Line Tournament (my best friend from high schoool is playing in it), go to The Local (my other friend from high school owns it) and have a few beverages, maybe even a bite to eat. I do plan to pay while I'm there though. Apparently some, well all of, our "friends" from high school expect free drinks while they visit the bar. How do they expect Mina to make any money?! GEEZ! While we are there we are also going to see Hubby's friend from high school, his wife, and their new baby.

Speaking of babies, This weekend's wedding...I know that we are going to get the questions. So, when are you two going to have kids, the comments, it's about time for you two to have some children. And whatever else. So badly, do I wish that I could tell them all that I am pregnant, but that's not going to happen. I think that I am most nervous to hear that his other cousin, who got married last year, is pregnant. You know what don't tell me. I don't want to know. Ya know, yesterday I was in Target and I just couldn't help but check out the baby clothes. My excuse this time was that our old friends that we will be going on vacation in New Hampshire with. Well, they have two beautiful girls and I just saw some of the most adorable outfits. I brought two home and hubby says to me, now those are for the girls right, they aren't going to end up in the drawer in the basement are they? You see, I already have a bunch of baby clothes that I loved. Either they were on sale or just too cute to resist. I mean what if they aren't available by the time this whole kid thing actually works out for me?! So, they sit in the basement waiting for a viable pregnancy and a beautiful baby to finally wear them. But they are for my son or daughter. I refuse to give them up, not matter how much hubby asks me to.

I don't know how seeing the new baby is going to be for me, I don't know what being on vacation with our old friends and their two kids for week, for that matter is going to be like. I think it will be okay, but it all makes me nervous.

On another note, I had my acupuncture appointment today. It went well. I also got my hair done, my stylist has a shop next door to the salon. They sell different things, like incense, stones and that sort. well, she hooked me up with a few good ones for fertility. She told me to put them near the uterus and concentrate. I'm excited to try them. Like I said before, I really have a lot of hope this cycle. Not just the acupuncture, I don't know, I just have positive thoughts. Here we go...


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