Just turned 33, like 5 hours ago, and figure, a blog is to get stuff out of your head. I should get back to this. Not what it use to be. New state. Same husband, but a New beginning. Wish me luck.

Sunday, June 12, 2005


Were you there? Because if you were you didn't make yourself known to me. I'm tellin' ya, it was packed, maybe I just didn't see you. It was hot as hell up in that joint! Many times I thought that I might just pass out. Then I had one of those froo-froo lookin' smoothies. That was yummy and I cooled off, for the next half hour or so. It was like heaven, and then I started to sweat again. Ya, see, I'm from sunny San Diego. Sunny San Diego, it means dry heat, not wet, sticky, slimy humid heat. For those that were there yesterday, yes, that was me in that 'drink local-San Diego' tank. I can't stand humidity, I know that that sounds cliche, but I speak from knowing the difference. Yesterday though, I did get over it. I don't know if it had anything to do with Bacardi's misting booth or what, but I handled it. It also could have been the fact that our friends' live right off the Avenue and I rushed to their house any time I was too hot or had to pee.

Hubby met up with one of, no make that two, of his 'blogger' friends. One on purpose and the other by chance, sort of. I on the other hand, only met up with people that I haven't met on the internet. Mind you I have no problems with internet friends. I just don't have any within Baltimore, yet. Except Jessica and Jason...hey guys, where the hell are you? One quit, the other fired, did you all run off to another state together and not tell the rest of us?! We miss you if you are reading this. Blogger is such a weird word and so hard to own up to. So, I have noticed anyway. I haven't had the opportunity. I just started my blog, so, no one reads it yet, therefore no one knows who the hell I am. Even if I did come up to them and say " Hey, are you "so and so", oh yeah, well I'm lowercasek. " They would think I was some sort of moron, I mean wouldn't you?! hmmm...bloggers...

But, HonFest was good, got to hang out with good friends, drink Natty Boh, and get a tan. All in all it was a good day. Thank you HonFest! See ya next year!


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