Just turned 33, like 5 hours ago, and figure, a blog is to get stuff out of your head. I should get back to this. Not what it use to be. New state. Same husband, but a New beginning. Wish me luck.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

back again

Well, I had some technical difficulties but I am back now. I'm not even sure where to begin, so much has happened. What did you do for Hallow's Eve? DH and I went to a party Saturday night at out friends house that we haven't seen in awhile. That was fun, sort of. It's so weird when you don't have anything to say. We saw a lot of people that we haven't seen in quite a few months. A couple have had babies, some have travelled, and some have just had a broken leg. There were two babies there, now please don't get me wrong, I am wicked happy for the people that have had their babies and are a cute and happy family now. I just wish that I had that, but that's not my point.

I just don't know what to say to people anymore.
people: "How have you two been?"
us:"Good, workin' a lot, ya know."
us thinkin:'yeah, you don't really want to even know.'
people:"So,what's new with the two of you?"
us:"Oh, not much, just workin', hangin' out, nothin too exciting."
people:"Well, (baby's name here) is just keeping us so busy. He/She never lets us sleep...balh, blah, blah."
us thinkin: 'well, lately we have just been hanging out in the 2WW. Oh you don't know about the 2WW. The 2WW = two week wait, the time between your date of ovulation and when you can test to see if you are pregnant or not. It's been the latter too many times. Ya see, we have actually been trying for over three and a half years. I have had two miscarriages in the past year and a half. I have so many cycles charted on the fertilityfriend website, I don't even know what to keep in my stats. I have a lifetime membership there ya know. I kinda gave up charting this month though cause it's really a pain in the arse to take my temperatures each morning before I move. Oh and I just got back from my appointment with the RE (that's reproductive endocrinologist= Fertility specialist) and the dildo cam showed that I did in fact ovulate. So, in this 2WW, I have to start my progesterone and just sit and wait till they start poking me with more needles for blood samples to check my levels. But other than that, not much going on. At least I get to sleep though, I guess, right?!'

I mean can you imagine if I actually said that to someone? They would look at me as if I had ten heads or something. Either that or they would give me some dumb ass story about how their sister's best friend's cousin was dealing with infertility and their experiences. You know what?! SHUT THE HELLL UP!!! I DON"T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR SISTER'S BEST FRIEND'S COUSIN WHO HAD TO GO THROUGH WHATEVER. DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT TRY TO RELATE TO ME!!

sorry, had to get that out.

As, I was saying, I don't know what to say to people any more.
But the party was fun, we only stayed for a little while then we met up with some other friends and headed to the midnight showing of "Army of Darkness" at the Charles. that was cool until the girl one row up and a few seats over started talking on her cell phone in normal voice right at as the movie started. BITCH! Who does that?

The next night we went over to the Ottobar for the Roller Girl's 'Bruiser's Ball'. that was a blast! I was really surprised at how many people were dressed up in costume. There were some really good ones too. I saw Bjork, Team Zissou, a Big Box of Franzia, Pee Wee Herman, a sexy bum, a cute leopard, the freakin' gates and central park (that was amazing), a very large fish, and many other great costumes, at least I think that they were all costumes. Sometimes you just don't know. We really ahd a great time. I think it had a lot to do with the company. When we left the Ottobar we were starving so we went to the Paper Moon. We were starving and it was on our way home.

Now, the Paper Moon has a bad reputation and we have experienced it first hand too many times. The do however, have good food, so we went. It was the best experience we EVER had there. We sat down immediately, we got our drinks a minute later. out food came within ten minutes. Hubby had his coffee refilled at least twice. Each time the server asked how everything was or if we needed anything else. We got our check and our plates were taken out of the way. We went up to pay and we paid right away. I feel like we were there and then home again within an hour. I don't think that, scratch that I know that that has never happened there. It was great! Of course, it was a Sunday at about 12:30, but still.


Blogger Malnurtured Snay said...

I was about ready to crush that girl's skull with a shovel. Except, y'know, for the lack of a shovel.

7:51 PM


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