Just turned 33, like 5 hours ago, and figure, a blog is to get stuff out of your head. I should get back to this. Not what it use to be. New state. Same husband, but a New beginning. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

not this time

Ok, so here's the deal, I have had faith in every doctor. I feel like they went to school for this, they should know what the heck to do. I'm beginning to understand that unexplained infertility is just that. I still think that and I'm hoping that my RE will prove me right this time. Like I was saying, I left the RE for a couple of cycles because clomid was making me crazy and I didn't want any more drugs. So, I tried acupuncture to see if being natural would make me feel better. It has made me feel better, but I'm not pregnant. It's been way too long and I feel as though I need to try something else. So, today, I went back. i wanted to hear what he had to say. I'm not sure if he gave me faith or just scared me more...jk, I think.
He explained to me that I don't always ovulate...on time. He says that out of the 4 cycles that I have had with the center I have really only ovulated two of the 8 eggs that I should have ovulated. And, I got pregnant once, so according to him, I'm 50/50. It was never put to me like that. I had never understood that. I just didn't know. can you tell it blew my mind? It gave me hope, if I can just make those eggs release! Well, he gave me a suggestion. We are going to try the unapproved letrozole/femara which he says will help. We shall see. Hope has been restored, for a minute.

I swear though if I see another pregnant woman, I just might trip her. ok not really, but can they just get away from me? please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Helen Page and i would like to show you my personal experience with Clomid.

I am 30 years old. I have taken for 3 months. My progesterone level after my first dose of Clomid was 65 so I knew that I had ovulated. Couldn't try the second cycle on it because my husband went out-of-town while I was O'ing, go figure. Hoping it worked this month!!

I have experienced some of these side effects-
Mood swings, increased appetite, hot flashes, increased pain during ovulation, abdominal pain, mild but infrequent headaches. Also, I used to be on a consistent 28 day cycle, but I think Clomid might have lengthened it as I'm now on a 31-32 day cycle.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Helen Page

8:44 AM


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