Just turned 33, like 5 hours ago, and figure, a blog is to get stuff out of your head. I should get back to this. Not what it use to be. New state. Same husband, but a New beginning. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

been awhile...

that it has and a bit has happened...
Well, I'm now 31, I have been on vacation, and I finally got my period. We saw some old friends in Boston. Ate some tasty wings and shared beers laughs and memories. Then we went away with our college roommate, his wife and their two kids. And, believe it or not we had a blast. We stayed in a vacation house in New Hampshire, it was a 5 minute walk from a lake. We had gorgeous weather. I spent most of my time at the lake. It was like having my own private beach all week. We went kayaking, my first time, it was fantabulous. We kayaked all the way to Maine. It was great! Did a little ATVing, is that a word, if not I just made it up. We ate, we drank, we vacationed. It was great. I think it was our best vacation. May vacations happen more often!

While we were on vacation I probably took like five pregnancy tests. I just didn't know what was going on. And, of course, before I left my acupuncturist said my pulse was fast and there was a possiblity that I was pregnant. I had also taken a test before going to the acupuncturist and there was a very very faint line. I still have no explanation for the pregnancy test. I think it must have been a false positive, no matter how rare they are. I never had bad cramping or anything like a miscarriage. My period was even shorter than the usual. And, every test that I took on vacation was NEGATIVE...so that leaves me even more confused than usual. What else is new though?!


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