Just turned 33, like 5 hours ago, and figure, a blog is to get stuff out of your head. I should get back to this. Not what it use to be. New state. Same husband, but a New beginning. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

week one almost over

so far I have been pretty sane, of course, the sanity usually disappears about mid week two. I've been torturing myself as usual. I read the message boards. The used to be on the weddingchannel.com, but they changed their systems and the boards went to crap. Now, they've moved over to constantchatter.com where they are pretty similar to how the WC used to be. Iread about what symptoms pregnant women have and what not. It's just pure torture. Ok, right here, right now.

I will NOT look at threads that I don't belong in. The less torture the better! I feel like that needn't be said...well, i said it anyways.

Stop the madness! Of course, I can't stop thinking though...Next week is our anniversary, man, that would be a great anniversary present for Hubby and me.

When will the madness end?! I can do this, I can do this, I got this...right?


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