Just turned 33, like 5 hours ago, and figure, a blog is to get stuff out of your head. I should get back to this. Not what it use to be. New state. Same husband, but a New beginning. Wish me luck.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Today is our 4th anniversary.

Happy Anniversary Hubby! You would think that for your anniversary a couple would go out to dinner, maybe go to a movie and just be together. Well, we are kinda doin' that. I didn't have this blog back in january, otherwise I would have told you all that I was going to the Sundance Film Festival, who knows maybe I already told you. Anyway, my mom was in a movie that premiered there, so I went to check it out. That and a few other things...
So, tonight is the opening of the Asian Pacific American Festival in DC and the movie is premeiring. So, we are packing the whole family up and heading to the premiere. No time for dinner beforehand, but there is a reception afterwards. Alone time, not so much, family time, that's a good thing, right?! Believe it or not, I am excited for tonight even though I have seen the movie like five times. In-laws are coming, cousins, uncles and what not, it should be a good time. I think that for our actual celebration we are going to try and go to Petite Louis for dinner and then check out a movie. Thinking maybe Corpse Bride, anyone seen it yet?!

to 4 years!!

I love you hubby!!


Blogger Malnurtured Snay said...

Oh dear god do spammers have no respect? Seriously - you should activate that comment word-typing verification thing.


Congrats on your anniversary! Your mom is in a movie? How cool is that! VERY! Also cool: the anniversary. Congrats.

11:13 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, my dear, happy happy 4th anniversary! a sweet sweet 5th year of marriage to you!

6:31 PM

Blogger lowercasek said...

Good call Snay! I didn't even know that that feature was there. that's awesome. I also just deleted it. Thanks for the well wishes!

Elana-You are so sweet! Thank you! I hope that you are well!

5:54 PM


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