Just turned 33, like 5 hours ago, and figure, a blog is to get stuff out of your head. I should get back to this. Not what it use to be. New state. Same husband, but a New beginning. Wish me luck.

Monday, June 26, 2006

IVF #2

Ok, so, IVF #2 is underway. I started lupron and baby aspirin on June 10th, stopped BCP's on June 14th. I started stims on June 22nd. Blood work every two days since thursday the 22nd. I am starting to feel the twinges of the stims but I'm ok. I have a lot of faith in the cycle, just like I did last time, but this is it. THIS IS MY LAST CYCLE! I have confirmed it with the nurses. They were excited to see me, but one nurse said it for me. She's one of my favorites, 'She's like I'm excited to see you, but I know that you are like I don't want to effin (she said the f word) see you or effin be here.' She was right, but at the same time I am extremely lucky because I have some awesome nurses that truly care about me! She mentioned how she would rather see me at the Giant. One even mentioned at Wegmans. If I could handle Wegmans or if it was closer to my house, I would totally be there! That place is amazing!

When I went in on sunday another nurse mentioned it to me she said, 'Look at me! She said this is your last cycle! You have to get pregnant, the pressure is on!'
She's right, the pressure is on, but I know that we can do this. I know that my body can do this, I know that this will work. I know that I will be in the 42% that gets pregnant, stays pregnant, and goes on to deliver a baby or the 31% that goes on to deliver twins! Like I said before, BRING IT ON!

Thursday, June 08, 2006

not much to report

Just the same ole' same ole'...still on the pill, start lupron on Saturday.

But what is Saturday? Saturday is good ole' HonFest! Yeah, it's cheesy, yeah, the Hon (both bar and restaurant) have become down right scary. But, it brings mad tourism back to Baltimore! And, that is a great thing! That, and it's a hop, skip, and a jump from my house. Who doesn't enjoy a festival in their very own neighborhood?! Also, it gets me more excited for summer and even when summer ends, I'm greeted with another fantabulous, even better festival, HampdenFest!!! I get to drink at HonFest...may I not be able to drink at HampdenFest!!! ;)

So, let summer begin!