Just turned 33, like 5 hours ago, and figure, a blog is to get stuff out of your head. I should get back to this. Not what it use to be. New state. Same husband, but a New beginning. Wish me luck.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Being cool isn't as easy as it was in high school...

So, I'm discovering that at 31 it's not so easy to be "cool" anymore. "hip" or "down", or "with it", if you will. I always told myself that I wouldn't let myself become uncool no matter my age. I didn't want to be the one wearing pegged jeans when boot leg was sooo in! I always wanted to be able to keep up, one way or another.

The other day, I was at the Gym, I have just been hitting 'Shuffle Songs' on my boring 4th generation ipod to get my variety. I find that I do skip a few, but, there are some songs that I just JAM OUT to! The other day that song was 'Once' by Pearl Jam, off of one of the greatest albums ever. That's right I said album. I mean I was on the eliptical machine just jammin', pumping my arms, working my legs, in my own world. Lip syncing the whole time, with my eyes closed even. I love pretty much anything off of their album Ten. As a matter of fact, I was in high school when the album came out. Ya know, I rock out to this album everytime I hear it, but these songs are like 15 years old. I mean a child that was born in 1991 will soon be driving. I mean with their parents or someone over 25 mind you, but still. Or has that changed? Any way, these kids are nearly the same age I was when the album came out. *breath* Whew, that's a bit overwhelming. Still, not my point...that's a whole nother issue...

At the gym I jam to my pod. In my car, I jam to my pod or listen to NPR (I never thought that I'd be listening to NPR, but it's very informative. Man, I am getting old.) even the new Jack station if in the mood, while at work there is music chosen for me. At home, I have tivo, I watch the shows that I want to, nothing more, nothing different.
So, what I am saying here is I don't know what the "with it, down, hip, cool" music is anymore. I thought that I could do this, ya know, keeping up with what was "in". And now, I just don't know anymore. I turned on 92Q the other day and heard some ridiculous song about Laffy Taffy. Now, I couldn't understand all of what these people were saying, but, were they really talking about that candy that I use to eat as a young'n while reading the jokes on the wrappers as my mouth was filled with watermelon flavored plasticyness?


Blogger Zenchick said...

You're so young.

4:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG...now you are freakin' me out about Pearl Jam. It does NOT seem like that long ago. Really? They'll be driving?!

I was just thinking about this same thing a couple of weeks ago. I just don't fit in to today's culture. I don't like Pop music, not too big on Rap. I just don't have a place musically. It's kinds sad. I find I just tune it to Classic Rock, Talk Radio, or Country.

3:29 PM

Blogger lowercasek said...

zenchick: Yeah, well, you're young too!

liz:I know, scary huh!?!

10:39 PM


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