Just turned 33, like 5 hours ago, and figure, a blog is to get stuff out of your head. I should get back to this. Not what it use to be. New state. Same husband, but a New beginning. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


What is it about In-Vitro Fertilization that scares the crap out of people? Is it the thought of the famous McCaughey septuplets? Is it all the 'Lifetime' specials? Is it the thought that IVF is not "natural"? Or are all those, the reasons that people that don't know about IVF assume that you will either have septuplets or some wierd kind of test tube babies?!

Either way, I never thought that I would have to go through IVF. I always thought that you just stop protecting and it will happen. Then I realized that there is a timing method for all this. Man, all these teenage mothers here in Hampden really know how to time it right! Then I realized that not only do we have to time things perfectly but even though you are pregnant deosn't mean that you will have a baby. They say that the third time is a charm. They say it a lot. I think that I will start a new saying...well, around the end of the month and I have results of the blood test.

I had my retrieval today. I am at risk for ovarian hyperstimulation, why you ask? that's the fun of IVF. They were able to retreive 28 eggs. That's a lot of eggs. Every time I had an ultrasound the person would make some sort of comment, like "whoa" or "wow". Now, I know why! Anyway, all the drugs and everything cause for hyperstimulation. I need to take it easy and stay hydrated. So, I am doing just that.

I will find out tomorrow how many fertilized. I will find out the grade of each of them. Most likely, with my age, they will only put two back, but I will also find out how many they will put back. Friday should be Transfer. I am excited. This has been a rough road, that I never though that I would travel. I think that I want to turn left.


Blogger Zenchick said...

you're in my (positive) thoughts...

6:13 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy crap...28 eggs? You've got some mega-ovaries.LOL! Isn't it amazing to think that one of those eggs may soon be your baby? Oh Kisch, I'm feeling so positive about all this!

3:38 PM


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